Risk Vs. Safety

The words “risk” and “safety” have
been on my mind for a couple of days now. Towards the end of the year here in Nigeria,
most people are on high alert. Most people seem more determined to enter the
New Year safe, healthy, happy and even wealthier.

While in Kampala last week, my
safety consciousness was pretty high. I wanted to return home safe. But I
amused myself once, sending an sms while commuting on a “Boda-boda” (a commercial
motor-bike also called “Okada” in Nigeria.) I dare not try that in Lagos. Not
even the great James Bond 007 can attempt that here. In fact, it’s almost
punishable to imagine it in Lagos, let alone doing it.

But seriously, what kind of a
leader calls you to engage his dreams and gently tells you, “You could be
killed pursuing these plans?” Only Jesus Christ graciously calls followers to
such life adventures and insists it is worth the ride.

When we think of risks, we weigh
them alongside caution, cares and our fears. We wonder, “Could there be another
option with minimal or no loss involved?”

This perspective to life is
dangerous and unhealthy for any disciple hoping to see Christ manifest in their
daily adventures in this narrow way. In his insightful interviews with Seth
Barnes some 3years ago, Andrew
made several profound comments, like; “Jesus is free, but Christ
[to be formed in you] will cost you everything.” Check out the entire series
1-5 starting here.

What motivates followers of Jesus
Christ who make choices that some others (fellow disciples included) consider
as too risky or even somewhat foolish? Why will a man dare so much for a cause and feel nothing is
too much to give away for it?

How we define risk, engage or avoid
it tells the story of our life. Many have given their all and many more will
still give theirs for the cause of Christ’s rule in the Nations. Following
Jesus is the most expensive and risky adventure on planet earth. Something
about you must meet the cross as you trip with Jesus.

All four Gospels recorded this amazing counsel of the
For whoever has a desire to keep his life will have it taken from him,
but whoever gives up his life because of me, will keep it.”

I was greatly stirred to pray for Travor
on the World race who
caught a rare case of malaria while on a mission for Master Jesus in September
this year. He almost died.

Trevor’s story gave me more insight to the many intricate
issues STM are laced with. But fundamentally, I saw how the two paddles of ‘prayer to’ and
‘faith in’ the Faithful One, can row through the wildest storms of life, even
with a smile.

Scriptures didn’t tell us
what Epaphroditus suffered from when he fell sick and Paul commended him to the
Philippians Church thus, “…he was sick
and almost died. But God had pity on him, and not only on him but on me, too,
and spared me an even greater sorrow…  he
risked his life and nearly died for the sake of the work of Christ, in order to
give me the help that you yourselves could not give”
(Phil 2:25-30)

When our risks as disciples bear the trademark of
Christ, which is an unquenchable passion for God’s glory and fame in all
things, our status as aliens in this world will not be in doubt.

Author: Uche Izuora

I'm inspired by God’s passion for His name in every generation, which provokes global worship through Jesus Christ. Becoming an emotionally healthy and transformative disciple, I aim to mobilize the Church to engage in cross-cultural missions and raise other like-minded disciples who discover themselves in Christ and seek to present and represent Him as Savior and Lord among the nations northward of Uganda.

2 thoughts on “Risk Vs. Safety”

  1.             How we define risk, avoid it or engage it tells not only the story of life BUT more particulrly the CAUSE we pursue and live for. For some it is for fame, for others for fortune . Unfortunately many are living for NO cause. If we do not consider it worthwhile to live totally ( meaning to live and die for Him if it becomes neccesary) for Him as believers how then is He our Lord.

    Thanks for such a beautiful write up.


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